Lecture rooms

All the sessions have been assigned a physical and a virtual room and will be run in hybrid mode. When the entire session is virtual, that is indicated in the programme by adding "(virtual)" after the title, and it will be run exclusively on Zoom (see the virtual area).

Physical Rooms

All the physical rooms are located at the Plesso Belmeloro of the University of Bologna (via Beniamino Andreatta 14). The opening, keynote and closing talks will take place in room Aula B. The parallel sessions will take place in rooms Aula B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and Q. In-person participants can use room Aula P as quiet room to attend virtual sessions from their own devices.

The poster sessions will take place online, but in-person participants are invited to meet in Aula P with their own laptops for related discussions.

The location of the lecture rooms is as follows:

Room Aula G  Ground floor, main building (Edificio A)
Room Aula Q, Quiet Room Aula P  Ground floor, extension (Edificio B)
Rooms Aula B, Aula C, Aula D  First floor, main building (Edificio A)
Aula H, Aula I  First floor, extension building (Edificio B)
Rooms Aula E, Aula F  Second floor, main building (Edificio A)